
I'm just saying...

I wish Ronald Reagan was still alive today. He was such a common sense man... oh, how that era is long gone. Now common sense is seen as naive & stupid.

My favorite example of common sense being completely ignored is the "minimum wage" arguement. PLEASE tell me why if raising the minimum wage really helps the little guy, than why don't we just make the minimum wage a million dollars and call this problem solved? Well you see if we pay the little guy 1 mil... the big guy will just get 100 mil... and milk will cost $500.00 a gallon.

I hope you're having an "ahh haa!" common sense moment.

Another great one is the "carbon" arguement. Carbon is a naturaly occuring substance. So how could someting so essential to our being, our livelyhood, be destroying the earth. Some "global warming" finatic out there had her tubes tied so she wouldn't bring any more carbon producing life forms into the world (it's a true story). If we all did that... there would be no life.

I hope you're having another "ahh haa!", common sense moment.

and then the "tax" arguement too. Obama wants to raise taxes on the rich. Ok, so raise the taxes on the rich people and then the rich people's small & large businesses are in jepardy. Who works at the rich people's small & large businesses...hmmm probably you! Who buys the products produced by the rich people's small and large businesses...hmmm probably you! You get where I'm going with this... If I'm a "rich person" and my taxes go up I'm gunna raise the price of my businesses products, not spend as much money at the business you work for, and possibly lay off some of my employees or cut their pay.

I hope you're having yet another "ahh haa!", common sense moment.

Don't let anyone convince you that issues aren't as simple as common sense...but more importantly get informed... ignorance is only bliss until it starts taking away your rights.

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