
I can't freakin' do it all.

I wanna be...

an awesome best friend
a good sister
an involved daughter
an even more healthy eater
a partcipating Christian
a straight A student (ha.)
an energy-ful fiance
a political activist
an organized do-er
a regular reader
an available listener
a consistant gym member

but I just can't do it all.
& its very dissappointing.

anyone wanna help me address the 200+ wedding invites that need to go out in the next couple weeks?? or maybe you'd rather help me CLEAN my room & car? How about anyone wanna make me make time for the gym, my bible, my neices & nephews, my best friends, my homework, & my job!?

life is SO good, but SO fast... its hard to fit it all in.

PRAY I MAKE IT TO MAY 16TH (end of the semester) SUCCESSFULLY.

[84 days till I marry my best friens & get to vacation with him]