
In the end I wasted it.

"I will tell you what a tradegy is. I will show you how to waste your life.

Consider this story from February 1998 Reader's Digest: A couple 'took early retirement from their jobs in the Northeast five years ago when he was 59 and she was 51. Now they live in Punta Gorda, Florida, where they cruise on their 30-foot trawler, play softball, & collect shells...'

Picture them before Christ at the great day of judgement: 'Look, Lord. See my shells.'

That is a tragedy."

Don't Waste Your Life
John Piper

the above always refreshes me & my mindset.


  1. I guess I don't understand. How is collecting shells a waste of life if it makes you happy?

  2. its not always about you... sure "collect shells" for some time but what are you doing to help others who aren't able to "collect shells".

    Not mention I imagine God looking at the shells thinking... 'I wish those were people you had introduced to me.'

    don't get me wrong though; you CAN do both, its just something I struggle with...
